Finally there…

Hi All

Congratulations on your studio finals.
The DigDesFab Final Presentation ist set for TUESDAY 31st January, 9am in the grey courtyard. The prospective Jury will be composed of Reiner Zettl, Robert Neumayr, Bernhard Sommer, Jörg Hugo, Georg Grasser.
Please be prepared on time to present your projects (there will be a projector set up) digitally and physically, check the requirements sent out last week. Here are some last comments for each group:

Paper Efflorescence:
good to go, full size model should be ready
Patrick (Tetrahedrons):
you need a good name.
your files HAVE TO BE LASERCUT out of metal Monday morning, assemble as many modules as possible till Tuesday morning.
no cardboard ! The more the jury sees of the finished full size metal model, the better.
Show your concepts, design attempts and experiments with Fibre C. Talk about success & failure. I will send you the photos from the Rosenheim session.
Good to go, full size lasercut model (HP Surface) should be ready. Hope it will stand.

This is my last post.
Check the Finals requirements on the blog. I will be there on Monday morning, let me know any questions/problems

Good luck

Workspace 20.1-31.1 – EG15 /Vordere Zollamtsstr. 3

Hi All

You are quite lucky !
We got a “Project Space” (Room EG15 in the Angewandte Building on Vordere Zollamtsstr. 3) for you to finalize your models. You can work there anytime until the end of the month, check out the key from the portier (and return it !).
We have the room until the 31.1, after the final presentation you will have to leave it clean. It is large enough for everyone, and should be empty. I will try to organize some tables for to work on. Please DO NOT ruin them (with glue, cutter, etc).

Hope this helps with production, every group should have their models done for the final presentation on 31.1. ! Your structures will be exhibited in February and March most probably in the Lichthof B next to the main entrance.

Digital Fabrication Tipps:
1. – Please share among each other information about lasercutting facilities: Does someone have a membership for the HappyLab to help the “Turtle” group ? Other Laser are available at the Academy or TU
2. – Walter Schulz with Waterjetmachine for inexpensive metall cutting on Hamburgerstrasse in 1050 Wien for Group “Patrick”
3. is or has being doing a lot for the Angewandte. They should have a laser. Check it out

Best wishes, and good luck

Visit of Rieder FibreC Production Facilities Friday 13th Jan 8:00-15:00

Hi All

As mentioned before the holidays, we will have the possibility to visit the Rieder Production Facility in Rosenheim-Kolbermoor/Germany on Friday the 13th. The exact address is: Bergstraße 3a | 83059 Kolbermoor.
The day will start with an introduction to the FibreC extrusion production machine at 8:00 and will end around 15:00. Their production line starts early around 8:00 and will end at 11:00, therefore we will have to be there in time at 8:00. You can either take the night train 23:56 from Vienna and arrive there right in time, or organize your team in groups/private cars. You can also stay there the night before.

Although everyone is welcome to join, this visit is voluntary, except for the “Surface” group, they will produce 4-6 test pieces with Rieder this day.
Besides a one hour introduction to the production line, it is thought as a work session for the teams who want to experiment with the FibreC material.

For the other groups, use your time and these rather quiet days to finalize your 1:1 pieces ! I will be in my office this week Wed morning, Thu + Fri afternoon and Mon + Tue morning next week. You should be very advanced in production next Wed morning on the 11th, we should see some large pieces already produced and assembled by then. Please contact me if you have questions/problems in the meantime.


jan: volumetric triangulation

i just made a GH/VB script populating a volume with tetrahedrons. it works completely automatically and there’s nothing to set. it provides sets of points, edges, face edges, faces, centres and skeletons for each single element. it’s far from being perfect, but it might be quite useful – and as far as i know, there’s nothing like that for GH yet.

download here

jan pernecky

MIDTERM tomorrow WED 9am in Sem A

Hi All

Please be on time tomorrow for the midterm presentation at 9am in Seminarraum A, we will have to finish on-time for the studio midterms. Bring all the necessary models (old&new) along with your PDF files in order to show the process of your work and the pavilion design proposal.

You will get feedback from Robert Neumayr, Bence Pap, Bernhard Sommer & Klaus Bollinger (parttime).

See you all tom

MIDTERM Requirements

Hi All

The Midterm Jury will discuss your projects on Wed 7.12 / 9-11am

Each one the four groups (see group list posted) should present for about 10-15min, then we will have 15-20 min of discussion. These are the requirements for your presentations:

1. Projected PPT/PDF

1.1 Give your Project a Name !
1.2 Reference Examples:
Show selected slides from the reference examples you analysed. You can choose relevant material from any of the material on the blog, even from other groups. The analysis phase is a collaborative effort.
1.3 Design module
Show and explain your module and the respective potential on geometrical modifications
1.4 Design shape (Pavilion Structure)
Show and explain your proposal for the overall shape composed by the modules. Define a scale for the structure (basic dimensions in meters).
1.5 Joints/Connections between Modules
Explain your joining strategy. You should test this in 1:1 models
1.6 Project Management
Each team should have three different persons selected by the group for:
Project Manager: responsible for overall development issues (time/costs/ressources, etc)
Design Manager: responsible for design issues (shape/virtual modelling/design qualities, etc)
Fabrication Manager: responsible for fabrication issues (material/joints/fab strategy, etc)
1.7 Statistics
In order to discuss fabrication feasability,each group should provide information on:
Number of modules
m2 of material to be used
total cost estimate of the material to be used
contact of a company (you should already get in touch with them / ask for delivery deadlines)
1.8 Additional Material
Diagrams/Analysis (Karamba, etc)
Imagery, etc

2. Physical Model

Each group should have a part (approx. 1x1x1m) of the pavilion structure built with the intended material (if not fibreC) in 1:1 scale. Here we should be able to judge the
2.1 Stability of the structure
2.2 Solution for the joints (structural and design quality)

As good reference, check the following book:
“Digital Fabrications” by Lisa Iwamoto

Presentation: Wed 7.12 / 9-11am in Sem A
Jury: Klaus Bollinger (parttime), Robert Neumayr, Bence Pap, Jörg Hugo


Groups & Requirements for 30. Nov.

Hi All

MIDTERM presentation (on 7.12) is approaching.
Wednesday 23.11 will serve as a preparation, see assignment 4 posted. Each group needs
1. a project name
2. a PDF showing images with the overall shape and modules geometry and gradation
3. a mockup approx. 1x1x1 m
Refer to assignment 4 for details

This is the group roster. Let me know if your name is not at the right place:

tomorrow-be on time-invited guest !

Hi All

Please be on time for the class tomorrow, because we will have to free up the space for the institute meeting at 11am.
Also, we will have an invited guest, Bence Pap from Studio Lynn to discuss your projects.
Each group should be able to talk/show/discuss about:

1. overall shape of the structure
2. module and gradation possibilities
3. material to be used

See you all tomorrow at 9am sharp !